Mac 911 can’t reply to-nor publish an answer to-every question, and we don’t provide direct troubleshooting advice. If not, we’re always looking for new problems to solve! Email yours to including screen captures as appropriate.
We’ve compiled a list of the questions we get asked most frequently along with answers and links to columns: read our super FAQ to see if your question is covered. Computers that allow file sharing automatically show up in the Shared section of the Finder sidebar, allowing you to browse files and folders you have permission to view. If the folder you want in the sidebar isn’t in that list, you can use this generic method: The Finder not only lets you browse files on your Mac, it also makes it easy to find files on other computers both Mac and PC on your home network. I’ll explain the specific first, and then the generic way to add any folder. You have two methods for certain special folders and items. How do I get that category to display again? I somehow removed the Documents category from the Finder’s menu list on the far left of the screen on my MacBook Air.